A&S Compassion Care (ASCC) is an approved Self-Directed Services Vendor, who can assist individuals who receive services under the Self-Directed Services (SDS) delivery model.

Self-Directed Services is defined by DDA as a service delivery option for people who wish to exercise more choice, control, and authority over their supports. Self-direction gives waiver participants and families greater control over the services they receive, how they receive them, and who provides them. Participants may direct his or her own services or appoint an authorized representative to direct on their behalf.

ASCC offers SDS Vendor services on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the individual’s needs can be properly met.

Benefits of hiring a SDS Vendor:

  • Individuals can receive additional support and guidance as needed throughout their self-directed journey.
  • Vendors can help the individual self-directing their services with identifying and hiring staff to assist with providing the supports and services needed.
  • Individuals who hire their own staff must pay an hourly wage, plus any associated taxes or benefits as the employer. However, vendors are paid based on a flat rate, and are solely responsible for handling all tax related items for themselves or the staff that they employ, plus any additional benefits offered.

Contact us for more information about our Self-Directed Services.